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Common Questions About StudioCloud's Data Loading Process


The purpose of this article is to provide information about how StudioCloud loads data.

Common Questions

Why don't I see my StudioCloud information when I first login?

After you login to StudioCloud it loads data into the program.  The time it takes to load the data into StudioCloud depends on the amount of data in your account.  There is a small progress bar on the bottom left corner of the program that shows you what is currently being added. 

Why don't I see the data that I have already entered?

  • Different Business ID - Often people will sign up for more than one StudioCloud account.  If you have entered all of your data under one Business ID and then you login using another Business ID you will not see the information previously entered
  • Different Computer Username - Most computers allow you to have more than one username to login with.  If you login with a different username on that computer then you will not see the information that has been entered in even if you are using the same Business ID
    • Please note, with PartnerBoost or EmployeeBoost the account information will eventually be downloaded and contain all of the same information that is contained in the other username and on any other computer
  • Different Computer - If you login on a different computer you will not see the information previously entered on another computer
    • Please note, with PartnerBoost or EmployeeBoost the account information will eventually be downloaded and contain all of the same information that is contained in the other username and on any other computer