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Add Target Clients to a Marketing Campaign*


This tutorial explains how to add clients to a marketing campaign

Table of Contents

  • Video Tutorial on marketing campaigns
  • How to create or edit a marketing campaign
  • How To Edit A Marketing Campaign
  • How to Add Clients by Calendar Type
  • How to Add Clients by Birthday, Anniversary or Custom Date Type
  • How to Add Parents of Children on the Child's Birthday
  • How to Add a Client Based On The Invoice Total
  • How to Add a Client by Name
  • How to Add a Client by Organization
  • How to Add a Client by Relationship
  • How to Add a Client based on Most or Least Payment Amount Received
  • How to Add a Client by Tag

Video Tutorial on Marketing Campaigns

How to Create/Edit a Marketing Campaign

Click here for a tutorial on how to create or edit a marketing campaign

How To Add Clients To A Marketing Campaign

  1. Click on the Clients component
  2. Click on the Settings tab
  3. Click on the Manage Marketing Campaigns button
  4. Find and edit the marketing campaign you want to add the clients or prospective clients to
  5. Click on the Target Clients tab
  6. Click on the Add Clients menu

How to Add Clients by Calendar Type

Click here for a tutorial on how to create calendar types

  1. Follow the instructions above on editing a marketing campaign
  2. Click on the Add Clients By Calendar Type To Campaign menu item
  3. Select the Default Type you want to use
    1. Optionally you can narrow it down further by selecting a Calendar Type of the Default Type
  4. Optionally you can enable the Filter Clients By Date Range and select the time frame you want to work with
  5. Click the Add Clients button

How to Add Clients by Birthday, Anniversary or Custom Date Type

Click here for a tutorial on how to create custom date types

  1. Follow the instructions above on editing a marketing campaign
  2. Click on the Add Clients By Dates To Campaign menu item
  3. Select the Desired Date Type
  4. Then you can either find all clients that have that date type or only those that fall within a specific month of the year
    1. You can also specify a time range for clients you are looking for (e.g., All babies born in January 2011)
  5. Click the Add Primary Client to Campaign
  6. Click the Add Clients With Date Type button
  7. Click the Add Clients button

How to Add Parents of Children on the Child's Birthday

This method is used to find a client that has a birthday or anniversary and add a client that is related to that client found to the marketing campaigns. This option would be most often used to market to the parent of a child on the child's birthday.

  1. Follow the instructions above on editing a marketing campaign
  2. Click on the Add Clients By Dates To Campaign menu item
  3. First select the Date Type you want to market to
  4. Then you can either find all clients that have that date type or only those that fall within a specific month of the year
    1. You can also specify a time range for clients you are looking for (e.g., All babies born in January 2011)
  5. Click the Add Client Related to Primary Client To Campaign option
  6. Select the Type of Relationship which would probably be Parent
  7. Click the Add Clients With Date Type button
  8. Once you have added all of the clients to the marketing campaign click the Add Clients button on the bottom right
  9. Then click the Save button in the marketing campaign window

In the following example the child John has a birthday on August 18th and the parents John and Judy are in StudioCloud

  1. Select Birthday from the Date Type
  2. Click the Search All Date Types by Month
  3. Select the month of February
  4. Click the Add Client Related To Primary Client To Campaign
  5. Select the Parent relationship type in the Type of Relationship drop-down box
  6. Click the Add Clients with Date Type button and the parents will be added to the marketing campaign

How to Add a Client Based On The Invoice Total

  1. Follow the instructions above on editing a marketing campaign
  2. Click the Add Clients Based On Total Income Amount Received To Campaign menu item
  3. Select the time frame that you want to analyze
  4. Adjust the Income Greater Than field so that you are only pulling in clients that had more than that amount of income in the specified amount of time
  5. Click the Add Clients to Campaign button
  6. Click the Add Clients button
  7. Click the Save button

How to Add a Client by Name

  1. Follow the instructions above on editing a marketing campaign
  2. Click on the Add Clients By Name To Campaign or the Add Prospective Clients By Name To Campaign menu item
  3. In the left panel there is a Search box that allows you to type in a name or part of a name of one of your clients
  4. Once you find the client you want to add to the marketing campaign drag and drop the name into the Selected Clients panel
    1. You can also double-click the client's name to move them to the Selected Clients panel
  5. Click the Add Clients button
  6. Click the Save button

How to Add a Client by Organization

  1. Follow the instructions above on editing a marketing campaign
  2. Click on the Add Clients By Organization menu option
  3. On the left you will notice a list of all of the organizations you have entered in to StudioCloud
  4. Select one of the organizations and click the Add All button to add every member of that organization
  5. Click the Add Clients button
  6. Click the Save button

How to Add a Client by Relationship

  1. Follow the instructions above on editing a marketing campaign
  2. Click the Add Clients By Relationships menu item
  3. The first field to select here is the Type of Relationship for the primary client
  4. Then click the Add Primary Clients To Table Below button to view all clients who have that relationship
  5. Then you can either add all of those clients to the marketing campaign or you can select the person they are related to
    1. To select the person they are related to click the Add Client Related To Primary Client To Campaign radio button
    2. Select the type of relationship for the pair
  6. Click the Add Clients To Campaign button
  7. Click the Add Clients button
  8. Click the Save button

How to Add a Client based on Most or Least Payment Amount Received

  1. Follow the instructions above on editing a marketing campaign
  2. Click on the Add Top Clients By Most Or Least Payments Amount Received To Campaign menu item
  3. Select either Search All Invoices or Search Invoices In Date Range
    1. If you choose to Search Invoices In Date Range then you must select a date range
  4. Under the Clients to Add to Campaign heading you can select whether you want tAdd Top Sales Producing Clients or  Add Bottom Sales Producing Clients
    1. If you want to add all of the clients then set the number of clients to a very high number like 1000.  This number will need to be larger depending on the size of your customer base and the time frame that you are looking at.
  5. In addition, you can specify how many clients you want added to the list
  6. Click the Add Clients to Campaign button to add the data to the Selected Clients table
  7. Click the Add Clients button
  8. Click the Save button

How to Add a Client by Tag

  1. Follow the instructions above on editing a marketing campaign
  2. Click the Click Here To Add Clients By Tag menu option
  3. In the first drop-down box you will see a list of all of your tags
  4. Select the tag you want
  5. If you want to filter the clients based on when they were created click on the Filter Clients By Creation Date option
  6. Click the Add Clients With Tag button
  7. Once you have added all of the clients to the marketing campaign click the Add Clients button on the bottom right
  8. Then click the Save button in the marketing campaign window