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How to Use The Client List Generator*


The Client List Generator will create a list of clients based on custom fields.  Once you have the list of clients you can export them to a CSV file, generate reports, or copy them straight to a Marketing Campaign.

How to View the Custom Report Generator for Clients

  1. Click on the Clients component
  2. Click on the Reports tab
  3. Click on the Client List Generator button

How to Use the Custom Report Generator

The Custom Report Generator uses one or more filters to create a list of clients.  All filters have the following properties:

  • Type - This property is the type of data that is used to filter the clients list.
  • Qualification - This determines how to evaluate the filter.  In other words, does the client have the value or not.

Some filters will optionally have the following values:

  • Filter Value - This is used by Tag, Date Type, and Calendar Type and allows you to select the value to filter on
  • Start Date - This is used by Invoice, Estimate, Event, and Purchased Products and allows you to specify the start of the time frame you want to look at.
  • End Date - This is used by Invoice, Estimate, Event, and Purchased Products and allows you to specify the end of the time frame you want to look at.
Once filters are added to the Custom Report Generator they are interpreted using AND logic.  In other words, the data is filtered finding those clients that qualify for filter #1 AND filter #2 AND filter #3 etc....  At this time there is no way to use OR logic in the Custom Report Generator.

How to Add/Edit a Filter

  1. Open the Custom Report Generator using the instructions above
  2. Click the Add Client Filter button
  3. Select the Type of filter you want to use
  4. Select the Qualification you want to filter with
    1. The first filter you create must be a Has filter to get the initial list of data to filter on
  5. Select either a Filter Value or a Time Frame or in the case of Purchased Products a value and a time frame
  6. Click the Save button
  7. Click the Generate Client List Based On Client Filters button to view the list of data

How to Delete a Filter

To delete a filter just click the delete icon next to the filter you want to delete

How to Use the Client List in the Custom Report Generator

Once you have added all of the filters you can click the Refresh button to generate the list of clients.  You can click the edit icon next to individual client's names or you can use the Export button to export the data to CSV or copy it to a new Marketing Campaign

What Client Information Is Exported to CSV

Click here to see a list of fields exported to csv