Rss Categories

Overview of Payments Due


This tutorial introduces you to the functionality available in the payments due section of StudioCloud.

Explanation of Payments Due Main Table

The main table contains a list of payments that are due filtered by the time frame displayed in the top right of the payments due section. A Payment Due is created in the payments due section of an invoice

The convert button converts a payment due to a payment received and moves the payment due to the payments table.

Explanation of Payment Due Menu Items

  • Group Operations
    • Select All - Selects all the payments in the main payments list, indicated with a check-mark in the box at the beginning of the row.
    • Deselect All - Deselects all the payments in the main payments list, indicated by the empty check-box at the beginning of the row.
    • Delete Selected Payments - This deletes the selected payments due.