Overview of Point of Sale Settings
This tutorial provides a general overview of the point of sale settings available to you. Refer to the specific tutorials relevant to the settings for more detailed information.
Explanation of Point of Sale Settings
- Manage Products
- This setting allows you to create, edit, and delete products. For instructions on how to setup your products please go here.
- Manage Services
- This setting allows you to create, edit, and delete services. For instructions on how to setup your services please go here.
- Manage Packages
- This setting allows you to create, edit, and delete packages. For instructions on how to setup your packages please go here.
- Manage Price Lists
- This setting allows you to create, edit, and delete price lists. For instructions on how to setup your price lists please go here.
- Manage Vendor Types
- This setting allows you to create, edit, and delete Vendor Types.
- Manage Payment Types
- This setting allows you to create, edit, and delete Payment Types.
- Manage Vendors
- This setting allows you to create, edit, and delete Vendors.
- Manage Invoice Logo
- This setting allows you to attach a logo to the invoice.
- Customize Invoice
- This setting allows you to customize the look and feel of the invoice. For more detailed instructions go here.
- Manage Invoice and Tax Settings
- This setting allows you to setup your default tax rate as well as select whether or not you want payments to be automatically transferred to bookkeeping
- Manage Tax Profiles
- This setting allows you to setup multiple tax rates that you can quickly switch between.