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Getting A Contract Esigned


The CloudForms add-on provides a method whereby you can have a contract emailed to a client and have them esign those contracts.

How to Setup eContract Templates

Click here for a tutorial on how to setup eContract templates.

How to generate and send a contract to a client

  1. Click here for a tutorial on how to create a new client or edit an existing client
  2. Click the Email menu option
  3. Click the Email Contract To Be eSigned By Client menu item
  4. Find the eContract template you want to use and click the Select eContract Template button
  5. Select any other information that should be included in the contract including event, invoice, or project
  6. Click the Save Contract button
  7. Edit the email as necessary and click the Send button

How to Email a Contract to be eSigned from the event/session/appointment window

  1. Click here for a tutorial on how to create or edit a session/event/appointment
  2. Click the Email menu option
  3. Click the Email Contract menu item
  4. Find the eContract template you want to use and click the Select eContract Template button
  5. Select any other information that should be included in the contract including event, invoice, or project
  6. Click the Save Contract button
  7. Edit the email as necessary and click the Send button

How to Email a Contract to be eSigned from the invoice window

  1. Click here for a tutorial on how to create or edit an invoice
  2. Click the arrow to the right of the Email Invoice button
  3. Click the Email eContract menu item
  4. Find the eContract template you want to use and click the Select eContract Template button
  5. Select any other information that should be included in the contract including event, invoice, or project
  6. Click the Save Contract button
  7. Edit the email as necessary and click the Send button

View The Current Status of eContracts

  1. Click the Cloud Services component
  2. Click the Contract Manager button
  3. A list of all contracts and either the date they were signed are listed in the table or that they are still unsigned

View Client eContracts

  1. Go to the Clients component
  2. Click the Clients tab
  3. Find and edit the client
  4. Click the History tab
  5. Click the eContracts button