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How to Convert an Estimate/Quote to an Invoice


StudioCloud allows you to create and save estimates or quotes for your customers.  Once the estimate or quote has been finalized and you are ready to receive payment you will need to convert it to an invoice.  The instructions below explain how to convert an estimate or quote to an invoice.

How to Convert an Estimate to an Invoice

  1. Find and edit the estimate you want to convert
  2. Click the Convert menu option
  3. Select the Convert Estimate to Invoice menu item

How to Convert an Quote to an Invoice

  1. Find and edit the quote you want to convert
  2. Click the Convert menu option
  3. Select the Convert Quote to Invoice menu item

How to Convert an Invoice to An Estimate or Quote

  1. Find and edit the invoice you want to convert
  2. Click the Convert menu option
  3. Select either the Convert Invoice to Quote menu item or Convert Invoice to Estimate menu item