Rss Categories

Invoice Import Details


This support article provides some details about how the data is imported into StudioCloud when working with the ProSelect/StudioCloud integration.

How StudioCloud Matches Clients From ProSelect with Clients In StudioCloud

  • When searching for a client you must include at least two letters of the clients name.  
  • If you search includes a space then StudioCloud will try to match on first and last name.  For example searching for j c will find Jose Chavez, Julie Anderson, and Jane Smith
  • Some client in StudioCloud are hidden clients.  Often times these are clients that have been created as part of a relationship.  If you aren't finding a match for your client then try clicking the checkbox "Including hidden clients"

How StudioCloud Links An Event With an Invoice

  • You must select an event to link the album to.  If the event has already been linked to an album then you will overwrite that link in StudioCloud.
  • When you link a client to an event ProSelect will find any invoices that are associated with the event.  If you already have an invoice for this album then you will want to select that invoice and click "Link & Import Invoice" Otherwise click "Link Only"
    • ProSelect will attempt to import any products and payments associated with the invoice

How StudioCloud Matches Products From ProSelect with Products From StudioCloud

Click here for a tutorial on how products from ProSelect are matched with products from StudioCloud

How StudioCloud Handles Mis-matched prices or Price Lists from ProSelect

  • If a product is in StudioCloud but not found in the price list then it will be added to the price list
  • If a product is found in the price list in StudioCloud but the price is different then the price in the product list will be updated