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Importing Invoices From StudioPlus's Web MyStratus Software


This tutorial will show you how to export your invoices from StudioPlus's Web Version to a CSV file and then import that file into StudioCloud.


  • StudioPlus does not support exporting out the individual items in an invoice in a computer readable format and, as such, the imported invoice will not contain the individual ordered items in it.

How to Export Invoices From StudioPlus's MyStratus Software

Click here for a tutorial on how to export data out of MyStratus

How to Import Invoices from StudioPlus

Note: StudioCloud does not provide support for the import process below unless you pay for Studiocloud to import the data for you. The following blog post explains why.

  1. Click on the Point of Sale component
  2. Click on the Invoices tab
  3. Click on the Settings tab
  4. Click the Import Invoices button
  5. Click the Import Options menu
    1. Click the Import CSV Files From Third Party Software menu option
    2. Click the Import From StudioPlus menu option
    3. Click the Import from StudioPlus Web CSV File menu option
  6. Verify the information is accurate and click the Save button.