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Copying HTML Email Templates from Third-Party Programs


Every email client supports HTML markup differently.  As a result, an email that you craft in one email client may appear differently in another.  You can see more specific details on this in the support article Issues with HTML Emails in Different Email Clients

The same issue exists if you try to copy and paste an email template that you have created in a third-party program into StudioCloud.  To help you with this process we have the optimal steps below that you can use to craft your email templates.

Option 1: Use the Email Template Editor 2.0

The email template editor 2.0 handles emails copied from third party programs much better than then email template editor 1.0. However, it does require that you edit the template in a web browser due to technical limitations with Adobe Air. As such. StudioCloud provides both options.

Click here to learn how to use the email template editor 2.0

Option 2: Remove the HTML When Copying HTML Email Templates from Third-Party Programs

If you would prefer to use the email template editor 1.0 then use the steps below to remove html from the email that you are copying into StudioCloud.

  1. Copy the text (not the HTML markup) of the email templates from the third-party program
  2. Paste the email template into a text editor program like Notepad (Windows) or Text Edit (OS X)
    1. This will strip all of the HTML out of the email template and leave you with just the text of the email
    2. This will also remove images
  3. Copy the plain text from the text editor and paste it into the email template in StudioCloud
    1. Please see the support article How to Create/Edit an Email Template for help creating an email template
  4. Manually add the formatting and any images in to the email template
    1. Please see the helps listed below to help with formatting
  5. Save the email template
  6. Send a test email to yourself to make sure it appears correctly

Helps for Formatting your Email Template

  • If you copy and paste the text of the email template in to StudioCloud the line breaks (end of a paragraph) don't always appear as you expect.  You may need to manually re-add those line breaks
  • You will need to manually add any images back into the email.  You can upload the images to CloudStorage and use them in your email template using the instructions here How to Add Images, Documents, or PDF's to an Email
  • If you are sending an email that is not personalized to a large group of people (e.g., a newsletter or advertisement) we recommend including a web version of this email on your website and including a link to the web version in your email