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Importing Clients From Apple Address Book*


This tutorial will show you how to export clients from your Apple Address Book to a CSV file. After you have the client information in a CSV file, follow the tutorial Importing Clients, Prospective Clients, & Leads From CSV File for importing them into StudioCloud.

How to Export Clients from Apple Address Book

  1. Download the free program "Address Book Exporter" by clicking here.
  2. Make sure you click the Export Using Current Field Settings
  3. Click Export Address Book and then Save it
  4. Open Excel and go to File, find your Exported Address Book file and Click Open
  5. The text Import Wizard will open then Click Finish
  6. Then go to File, Save as, change the format to CSV (windows)
  7. When the Exported Address Book.csv warning pops up, Click Yes
  8. Delete extra columns, order columns correctly and change heading to match StudioClouds Import Clients Spreadsheet. 
  9. Import the file into StudioCloud