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How to Delete Clients*


This tutorial provides the various methods whereby clients can be deleted from StudioCloud.

How to Delete a Single Client, Prospective Client, or Lead

  1. Go to the Clients Component
  2. Click the Clients tab
  3. Click either the Clients, Prospective Clients or Leads menu button
  4. Click the trash icon in the client table

How to Delete Multiple Clients, Prospective Clients, or Leads Using Group Operations

  1. Go to the Clients Component
  2. Click the Clients tab
  3. Click either the All ClientsClientsProspective Clients or Leads menu button
  4. How to Delete Clients
  5. To delete selective clients do the following:
    1. click the checkbox in the first column for each client you want to delete
    2. Click on the Group Operations menu
    3. Click the Delete Selected Clients menu item
  6. To delete all of the visible clients do the following:
    1. Click the Group Operations menu
    2. Click the Select All menu item
    3. Click the Group Operations menu
    4. Click the Delete Selected Client menu item
    5. Note: If you change the Client Per Page option from 500 to 5,000 you can delete more clients at once.
    6. Note: If you change the filter to show hidden and archived clients you can also delete them using this same method.

How to Delete Multiple Clients, Prospective Clients, or Leads Using a CSV File

This option will delete clients in StudioCloud that are in a csv file. This option only uses the columns from the csv file necessary for matching the client and ignores all of the other columns in the csv file. 

You can match a client in the csv file with a client in StudioCloud using any of the following methods: Match based upon a client number, Match based upon a clients first and last name, or match based upon a clients first and last name and a clients number.

  1. Go to the Clients Component
  2. Click the Clients tab
  3. Click the All Clients menu button
  4. Click the Import Options menu option
  5. Click the Delete Existing Clients Window menu item
  6. Select the csv file to import using the Import Options menu option
  7. Select the desired matching method using the Matching menu option
  8. Select the header for that matching option
  9. Click the Delete Clients button

How to Delete Multiple Clients, Prospective Clients, or Leads Using Group Operations That Have a Specific Tag

  1. View the clients that have a specific tag by using the instructions in the following tutorial
  2. Use the group operations listed above to delete the selected clients