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How to Manage Multiple Businesses or Locations In One StudioCloud Account


StudioCloud supports both managing multiple unique businesses or multiple business locations, such as a franchise or chain, from one StudioCloud account. This tutorial explains how to setup StudioCloud to do that.

When should you not run multiple businesses or business locations in StudioCloud

If you need any of the following features you would probably want to have a unique StudioCloud account setup for each business or location.

  • If you need to restrict employees from being able to see clients, events, appointments, sessions, or invoices from the different businesses or business locations
    • StudioCloud does support security restrictions regarding limiting what an employee can view in the StudioCloud but it is not based off of tags or locations

How to run multiple businesses or different locations in StudioCloud

In order to run multiple businesses or manage different locations in StudioCloud you should consider the following options:

  • How to manage Clients
    • If you want to keep your clients separated between the different businesses or locations you would need to tag each client based on the business or location
  • How to manage sessions, events and appointments
    • If you want to keep your sessions, events, and appointments separated you would want to tag them and create unique calendar types for each business.
      • A calendar type can be setup to automatically tag a session, event, or appointment. In addition, by having different calendar types per business or location CloudAlerts can be setup to send unique emails for the different sessions, events, or appointments. In addition, session, event and appointment confirmation emails could also be unique for each business or location.
      • Note: If you have already tagged the client it will automatically apply the same tag to an event, session, or appointment when the client is added to the session, event, or appointment
  • How to manage invoices
    • Each invoice should be tagged for reporting purposes. StudioCloud will auto tag the invoice if the client is already tagged.
  • How to manage bookkeeping
    • Each bookkeeping entry should be tagged for reporting purposes. StudioCloud will auto tag the invoice if the client is already tagged.
    • How to view the sessions, events, or appointments for a specific business or location
    • How to schedule multiple locations on the same calendar or multiple businesses that are in different locations
    • How to schedule multiple businesses on the same calendar that share the same location
      • There are a few options available to schedule multiple businesses that share the same locations which are listed below:
        • Calendar types can be be used to differentiate the different sessions, events, or appointments for each business in situations where only one resource is being scheduled so there isn't a chance of double booking.
        • If there is a chance of double booking then scheduling based on employees, equipment or locations would be the best method in this situation.