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Computer Security Options


StudioCloud allows you to enable an option to only be able to login on approved computers. This tutorial explains how to use it.

How to Enable Computer Lock Down

To enable computer security do the following steps:

  1. Click on the Cloud Services component
  2. Click on the Cloud Settings tab
  3. Click the Manage Computer Security Options button
  4. Select the Login To Your StudioCloud Account Only From Pre-Approved Computers option

How to Disable Computer Lock Down

To disable computer security do the following steps:

  1. Click the Cloud Services component
  2. Click the Cloud Settings tab
  3. Click the Manage Computer Security Options button
  4. Select the Login To Your StudioCloud Account From Any Computer option

How to Approve/Deny A Computer

Click here for a tutorial on how approve computers that can be logged into if this option is enabled.

How to view a record of logins by computer or by employee

Click here for a tutorial on how to view a record of the logins by computer or by employee