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How to Rotate Images for CloudProofing


StudioCloud CloudProofing allows you to rotate the images for your albums before you upload them. This support article explains how to do that.

How to Rotate Images for a New CloudProofing Album

  1. Open and login to StudioCloud
  2. Click on the Manage Proofing button in the Quick Task window
  3. Click the Try CloudProofing 3.0
  4. Click the New Album button
  5. Enter in the album and event information
  6. Click the Save button
  7. Select the Image Size and then import the images that you want to upload for this album
  8. Click the Show Image Thumbnails checkbox on the bottom left of the Upload Images and Music window
    1. This isn't necessary but it is helpful to view which images need to be rotated
  9. Click the checkbox next to those images that need to be rotated
  10. Click the Group Operations button and select the Rotate Images option
  11. In the Rotate Image window click either Rotate Left or Rotate Right then click the Save Changes button to save the rotation
    1. If you decide not to rotate the image you can click Restore Original Image
  12. You can use the Next Image and Previous Image buttons to navigate through the list of images you have chose to rotate
  13. If you click the Group Operations button you can rotate all of the images at once.
    1. The" Rotate All Images To The Right" rotates all of the images to the right.
    2. The" Rotate All Images To The Left" rotates all of the images to the left.
  14. Once you are done click the X button in the top right-hand corner of the Rotate Image window and the image thumbnails will update
  15. Then finish saving the album like you normally would

How to Rotate Images for a Existing CloudProofing Album

Please note that you cannot rotate images that have already been uploaded to a CloudProofing album.  You will have to delete the unrotated images from the album and then reupload them.

  1. Open and login to StudioCloud
  2. Click on the Manage Proofing button in the Quick Task window
  3. Click the Try CloudProofing 3.0
  4. Find and edit the album you want to upload rotated images for
  5. Go to the Actions tab
  6. Click the Manage Images and Music tab
  7. Click the Show Image Thumbnails button on the bottom left
    1. This isn't necessary but it is helpful to view which images need to be rotated
  8. Select those images that you are going to rotate and reupload
  9. Click the Group Operations button and select Delete Selected Images
  10. Click the Save button
  11. Click the Close button
  12. Click the Upload Images and Music button
  13. Select the Image Size and then import the images that you want to upload for this album
  14. Click the Show Image Thumbnails checkbox on the bottom left of the Upload Images and Music window
    1. This isn't necessary but it is helpful to view which images need to be rotated
  15. Click the checkbox next to those images that need to be rotated
  16. Click the Group Operations button and select the Rotate Images option
  17. In the Rotate Image window click either Rotate Left or Rotate Right then click the Save Changes button to save the rotation
    1. If you decide not to rotate the image you can click Restore Original Image
  18. You can use the Next Image and Previous Image buttons to navigate through the list of images you have chose to rotate
  19. If you click the Group Operations button you can rotate all of the images at once.
    1. The" Rotate All Images To The Right" rotates all of the images to the right.
    2. The" Rotate All Images To The Left" rotates all of the images to the left.
  20. Once you are done click the X button in the top right-hand corner of the Rotate Image window and the image thumbnails will update
  21. Then finish saving the album like you normally would