Rss Categories

How to Delete a Calendar Event*


This tutorial contains instructions on how to delete a calendar event.

How to Delete a Calendar Event from the Calendar View

  1. Click on the Calendar component
  2. Click on the Calendar tab
  3. Click the Calendar button
  4. Double-click the event you want to delete
  5. Click the Actions button on the bottom left of the Edit Event window and select the Delete Event option
  6. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the event

How to Delete a Calendar Event from the Agenda View

  1. Click on the Calendar component
  2. Click on the Calendar tab
  3. Click the Agenda button
  4. Find the event you want to delete
  5. Click the delete icon for that event or click the edit event button
    1. Click the Actions button on the bottom left of the Edit Event window and select the Delete Event option
  6. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the event

How to Delete Multiple Calendar Events at Once

  1. Click on the Calendar component
  2. Click on the Calendar tab
  3. Click the Agenda button
  4. Select all of the events you want to delete
  5. Click the Group Operations menu button, click the Actions menu item and finally click Delete Selected Events
  6. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the events