Rss Categories

How To Export Projects to CSV


This tutorial explains how to export out selected projects as well as all of their tasks to csv.

Table of Contents

  • How to Export Selected Projects and the Tasks Associated with those Projects To CSV
  • How to Export Selected Projects To CSV
  • How to Export all Projects to a CSV Aged Project Report
  • How to Export all Projects to an HTML Aged Project Report

How to Export Selected Projects and the Tasks Associated with those Projects To CSV

This option exports out a csv file of projects with each line in the csv file being a task that is in the projects. If the project has more then one task then the project will be listed multiple times in the csv file.

  1. Click on the Projects component
  2. Click the Projects tab
  3. Select the desired projects by click on the checkbox next to the project in the table
    1. ProTips
      1. You can select all of the projects at once by doing the following
        1. Clicking on Group Operations menu option
        2. Clicking on the Select All menu item
      2. You can quickly select the projects assigned to a specific employee by doing the following:
        1. Click the Show Filter Options button
        2. Click the Filter By Employee checkbox and select the desired employee
        3. Use the steps above to select all of the visible projects.
  4. Click on the Group Operations menu option
  5. Click on the Export Selected Projects And Tasks to CSV menu item

How to Export Selected Projects To CSV

This option exports out only projects and not their associated tasks to a csv file. Each line of the csv file is a project and a project would only be listed once.

  1. Click on the Projects component
  2. Click the Projects tab
  3. Select the desired projects by click on the checkbox next to the project in the table
    1. ProTips
      1. You can select all of the projects at once by doing the following
        1. Clicking on Group Operations menu option
        2. Clicking on the Select All menu item
      2. You can quickly select the projects assigned to a specific employee by doing the following:
        1. Click the Show Filter Options button
        2. Click the Filter By Employee checkbox and select the desired employee
        3. Use the steps above to select all of the visible projects.
  4. Click on the Group Operations menu option
  5. Click on the Export Selected Projects to CSV menu item

How to Export all Projects to a CSV Aged Project Report

The aged project report shows how long it has been since the project was created.

  1. Click on the Projects component
  2. Click the Projects tab
  3. Click the Aged Project CSV Report button

How to Export all Projects to an HTML Aged Project Report

The aged project report shows how long it has been since the project was created.

  1. Click on the Projects component
  2. Click the Projects tab
  3. Click the Aged Project HTML Report button