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Importing Invoices, Payments, and Orders From Successware


This tutorial will give you the steps to export your invoices from Successware and then import them into StudioCloud. Due to the fact that successware does not provide a way to export the invoices in computer readable format a different method had to be used to get the information out of Successware into StudioCloud.

Note: We encountered numerous issues in Successware while exporting data from it. We strongly recommend you watch the video tutorial so that you avoid those issues.

Import Invoices Limitations and Assumptions

Please note that there are limitations and assumptions that had to be made when importing invoices and payments from Successware

  • The data that is exported from successware does not include the items in the invoices and, as such, the invoices will only have one item in them called "Successware Order"
  • The data does not provide a breakdown of taxes and, as such, the payments and invoices will not have any tax associated with them.
  • Studiocloud requires that a payment be associated with an invoice. Successware does not. As such any payments that are imported into StudioCloud that are not associated with an invoice will have an invoice automatically created for them. 
  • If a payment has an invoice number associated with it and that invoice number is not part of the Successware exported order csv file then the payment will not be imported into StudioCloud.
  • If the invoice is associated with a client that doesn't exist in StudioCloud then the client will be created during the import process.
  • If the payment has a client that doesn't exist in StudioCloud then the client will be created during the import process.

How to Save a printed file to a PDF

  1. How to save a printed file to a pdf on Mac
    1. On Mac all you need to do is click the Save as pdf button when printing.
  2. How to save a printed file to a pdf on Windows
    1. Note: On windows there is not a built in way to save to pdf. As such you need to download a third party software solution to do that. There are multiple software solutions regarding how to save a printed file to a pdf. If you already have a solution please ignore this one.
    2. Go to the following website.
    3. Click the Download Button (Note: this is a free solution. You should never have to pay anything to use this method)
      1. Note: when you install this add-on it asks you if you want to install other extra software as well. Feel free to decline the extra software.
    4. Download and install the software
    5. When printing make sure to select the PDFCreator printer

How to Export The Invoices and Orders from Successware

  1. Open Successware
  2. Go to the Success Tracking
  3. Under Order go to the file menu option "List Orders"
  4. Click on the search button followed by the "Get all orders" option
  5. Click on the Print button followed by the "Page Setup" option
  6. Select the Orientation as Landscape and press the ok button
  7. Click on the Print button followed by the "Print Orders" option
  8. Save the exported pdf

How to Export The Payments from Successware

  1. Open Successware
  2. Go to the Success Tracking
  3. Under Order go to the file menu option "list Payments"
  4. Click on the search button followed by the "Get all payments" option
  5. Click on the Print button followed by the "Page Setup" option
  6. Select the Orientation as Landscape and press the ok button
  7. Click on the print button
  8. Save the exported pdf

How To Convert The PDF To A CSV File

How to Import Invoices from Successware into StudioCloud

Note: StudioCloud does not provide support for the import process below unless you pay for Studiocloud to import the data for you. The following blog post explains why.

  1. Convert the orders PDF file to a csv file
    1. The orders cvs must have a header to import properly
  2. Convert the payments PDF file to a csv file
    1. The payments cvs must have a header to import properly
  3. Import the csv file into StudioCloud
    1. Open and login to StudioCloud
    2. Go to the Point of Sale Component
    3. Go to the Invoices Component under the Point of Sale tab
    4. Click the Options menu option followed by Import Options then followed by the menu item Import Invoices Directly To Cloud
    5. In the Import Invoices window select the Import Options menu option followed by the Import Invoices from Successware menu option then click the Successware Version 6 and later CSV Files
    6. Find the successware order csv file
    7. Click Open
    8. Find the Successware payment csv file
    9. Click Open
    10. Click the Save button

How to Import Orders from Successware into StudioCloud

Note: StudioCloud does not provide support for the import process below unless you pay for Studiocloud to import the data for you. The following blog post explains why.

Orders are the items that need to be delivered to a customer.

  1. Import the orders csv file into StudioCloud
    1. Open and login to StudioCloud
    2. Go to the Projects Component
    3. Go to the Projects/Orders tab
    4. Click the Import Options followed by the Import Projects/Orders
    5. In the Import Projects/Orders window click on Import Options and click the Import from Successware file option
    6. Select the successware order csv file that was used to import the invoices into StudioCloud
    7. Click Open
    8. Click the Save button