How to Create/Edit a Job
This tutorial will show you how to create/edit a job, explain the job fields in the new/edit job window, and explain how to create a job from a client or event window.
How to Create/Edit a Job
- Click on the Projects component
- Click on the Jobs tab
- Click the New Job button or edit the desired job
How to Create a Job from a Client- Create a new client or edit an existing Client
- Click the Create menu option
- Click the Create Job For Client menu item
How to Add an Existing Job to a Client- Create a new client or edit an existing Client
- Click on the Jobs tab
- Click the Add Existing Jobs button
How to Create a Job from an Event/Session/Appointment- Create a new event/session/appointment or edit an existing one
- Click the Create menu option
- Click the Create Job For Event menu item
How to Add an Existing Job to an Event/Session/Appointment- Create a new event/session/appointment or edit an existing one
- Click on the Jobs tab
- Click the Add Existing Jobs button
How to Create a Job from an Invoice- Create a new invoice or edit an existing invoice
- Click the Create menu option
- Click the Create Job For Invoice menu item
How to Add an Existing Job to an invoice- Create a new invoice or edit an existing invoice
- Click the Create menu option
- Click the Add Existing Job menu item