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How to Create/Edit Drivers*


This tutorial will show you how to create and edit a driver. Drivers are used in mileage tracking to identify who drove the vehicle. A driver must be associated with an StudioCloud login employee.

How to Create a Driver

  1. Open and login to StudioCloud
  2. Go to the Workflow component
  3. Click on the settings tab
  4. Click on the Manage Drivers button
  5. Click the Create Driver button in the bottom right
  6. Find the employee that the driver will be associated with in the "Select Employee" combobox.
  7. Enter any additional driver information
  8. Click the Save button

How to Edit a Driver

  1. Open and login to StudioCloud
  2. Go to the Project component
  3. Click on the settings tab
  4. Click on the Manage Drivers button
  5. Find the desired driver in the driver table and click the edit driver button

A Breakdown of the Driver fields

  • Employee Name
    • This combobox is used to associate a driver with a studiocloud employee. Note you can only have one driver per employee.
  • Name
    • This is the name of the driver. Most likely it will be the same name as the employee and, as such, This name field will be automatically populated with the employees name when the employee is selected if the name field is blank.
  • State/Province
    • This is the state or province that is for the drivers driving license.
  • License Number
    • This is the license number displayed on the drivers driving license.
  • Expiration Date
    • This is the expiration date for the drivers driving license.
  • Insurance Company
    • This is the name of the drivers insurance company.
  • Insured Name
    • This is the name for the drivers insurance. If this field is blank when the employee is selected from the employee combobox then it will automatically be populated with the employees name.
  • Card Number
    • This is the insurance card number
  • Insurance Contact Info
    • This is the contact info for the insurance company
  • Driver Information Notes
    • This field is for any additional driver notes.
  • Archive Driver
    • This checkbox is for situations where you want to keep the driver associated with the mileage logs but you do not want to see the driver. If you archive them the mileage logs will still show the driver but you will no longer be able to select the driver in the mileage log.