To add the CloudBooking component to the CloudForm you can do so by following the instructions below.
Create or edit a CloudForm
Click on the Actions tab
Click on the Add Invoice, Payment, Online Booking button.
CloudBooking Setup
The first tab presented to you when you are on the Invoice, Payment and Online Booking window is the Form Options tab. This tab lets you decide if you want to have an invoice created for the client when they book a session or if you just want the client to book a session without creating an invoice.
Invoice, Payment, and/or Online Booking Form
Select this option if you want to have an invoice created for the client
Online Booking Only Form
Select this option if you do not want an invoice created for the client but just want the client to book a session.
Enable Online Booking For This Form
Select this option if you want the form to have online booking. If you have the option "Online Booking Only form" selected then this option will be auto selected for you.
How to Setup Invoice Creation And Payment Options (Skip this step if you are doing an online booking only form)
If you decide that you want an invoice to be created then the next step is to click on the Selection tab. This tab lets you either lock in the CloudForm to one product, service or package or it lets you setup a combo box where the customer can select their desired product, service or package.
Client Selects Option
This option lets you add product, services, and packages to a combo box that the client can then select when they are booking a session. If you are going to be doing online booking as well then you will need to select a calendar type to associated with each product, service or package. The calendar type is used to get the duration of the session, event, or appointment as well as to know which type or session or event to create.
Pre-Selected Option
This option locks in the product, service, or package to the CloudForm. The client will not see any information regarding the product, service, or package in the form. It is up to you, if you so desire, to add a label, image, or text explaining the product, service, or package associated with the CloudForm.
The next tab is the payment options tab and it shows the various payment options available.
No Payment Required
This option will not present the client with a payment window. However, an invoice with the product, service or package from above will still be created for the client.
Partial Payment / Deposit Required
This option will require that the client pay a specific dollar amount. It will be the same dollar amount regardless of the product, service, or package they select.
Full Payment Required
This option will require that the client pay the entire payment balance for the invoice.
Percentage of Payment Required
This option will require that the client pay a percentage of the invoice balance due. As such the amount that the client will be required to pay will fluctuation depending on the price of the product, service, or package.
How to Setup an Online Booking Only Form (Skip this step if you did the above step)
If you decide that you do not want an invoice created then the next step is the Selection Options tab. This tab lets you either lock in the CloudForm to a Calendar type or Calendar Sub Type or it lets you setup a combobox where the customer can select their desired Calendar type or Calendar Sub Type. To the customer it will appear as if they are selecting their desired session.
Client Selects Option
This option lets you add calendar types and calendar sub-types to a combobox that the client can then select when they are booking a session.
Pre-Selected Option
This option locks in a calendar type or calendar sub type to the cloudform. The client will not see any information regarding the calendar type in the form. It is up to you, if you so desire, to add a label, image, or text explaining the calendar type associated with the cloudform.
The payment options tab will be disabled with this option because an invoice is required before a payment can be taken from the customer.
How to Customize when Appointments are Available for the Online Booking
The Availability tab provides options on customizing when sessions, events, and appointments for the online booking are considered available.
Availability Options
There are three supported availability options listed below. You can have studioCloud show the appointments when they are available, on the hour, or on the hour with the ability to overlap the available time slots.
Option 1: Show Available Appointments When They Are Available. Option 1 will show appointments to the client the moment that they become available.
For example, the available appointment start times could be the following based on the appointments on the calendar: 9 am, 10 am, 11: 15 am, 2:30 pm, 3:35 pm.
Option 2: Show available Appointments On The Hour. Do not overlap available appointments.
For example, the available appointment start times could be the following based on the calendar: 9 am, 10 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm, 5 pm.
Please note that if you are booking for time slots larger than 1 hour it will not overlap available time slots. For example, if you are booking a 3 hour time slot it would show available time slots at 9 am to Noon, Noon to 3 pm, 3 pm to 6 pm, etc.
Option 3: Show available Appointments On The Hour. Overlap available appointments.
For example, the available appointment start times could be the following based on the calendar: 9 am, 10 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm, 5 pm.
If you have the overlap time frame set to 1 hour and you are booking a 3 hour time slot it would show the available time slots as follows: 9 am to Noon, 10 am to 1 pm, 11 am to 2 pm, Noon to 3 pm, etc.
First Availability
This option is used to decide when a client can first book a session in the CloudForm.
If it is set to 0 then the online booking will show available appointments starting today. If it is set to 1 then the online booking will show available appointments starting tomorrow. Etc.
Pro-Tip #1: It may be easier to think of this option as how much advanced notice do you want before a customer books a session.
Pro-Tip #2: If the First Availability is set to 0 and the Scheduling Days is set to 0 then it will only allow customers to book sessions the day of which is ideal for walk in customers who want to book a session that day.
Pro-Tip #3: This option can sometimes cause confusion during setup because the schedule methods below can be set to only be available on specific days.
Scheduling Days
This option is used to decide how many days in the future a client can book a session.
If it is set to 0 then the client can only book sessions today. If it is set for 30 days then the client can book sessions up to 30 days from now. Etc.
Pro-Tip #1: If the First Availability is set to 0 and the Scheduling Days is set to 0 then it will only allow customers to book sessions the day of which is ideal for walk in customers who want to book a session that day.
Pro-Tip #2: This option can sometimes cause confusion during setup because the schedule methods below can be set to only be available on specific days.
Time Between Sessions
This option will automatically add some buffer time between scheduled sessions for situations where there is setup, clean up, or other steps that need to be done between sessions.
Limit Displayed Bookable Sessions
This option is used to limit the number of sessions displayed to a customer each day.
Automatically Remove Sessions
This option is used to automatically remove a session if a customer does not pay the session fee or deposit. If the session is removed you will receive an email saying that the session was removed and the email will also contain the booked session details as well as the client details so that you can follow up directly with the client at your leisure.
How to Setup How The Online Booking Schedules Appointments
The Scheduling tab lets you setup how the online booking schedules
Scheduling Method
The Scheduling Method option is used to decide what resources, if any, should be factored into the scheduling.
Calendar Availability
This scheduling method looks at the calendar and will show available time slots if there isn't a session, appointment, or event scheduled on the calendar.
This option will use the calendar type hours to schedule.
Employee Availability
This scheduling method looks at the calendar and will show available time slots if the desired employee is available.
This will use the employees hours to schedule.
Location Availability
This scheduling method looks at the calendar and will show available time slots if the desired location is available
This will use the location hours to schedule.
Equipment Availability
This scheduling method looks at the calendar and will show available time slots if the desired equipment is available
This will use the equipment hours to schedule.
Employee and Location Availability
This scheduling method looks at the calendar and will show available time slots when the desired employee and desired location are both available
This will use both the employee and location hours to schedule.
Client Select Employees, Equipment, or Location options
The Client Select Employees, Equipment, or Location options are only displayed if the Employee, Location, or Equipment Availability is selected.
Client Select Employees, Equipment, or Location options
If this option is selected then the client will be presented with a combo box of options.
Employee, Equipment, or Location Pre-Selected
If this option is selected then an employee, piece of equipment, or location will be locked into the form and the client will not be able to see or select an option. It is up to you, if you so desire, to add a label, text, or image that provides details regarding the pre-selected option.
How to Customize The Wording Used In the Form
The Visual tab lets you customize the wording and items displayed in the Form
Customize Select Product, Service, Package, or Calendar Type Combo Box Wording
These options let you customze the wording used in the Combo Box. If the form is
Text on Left Side
This option will let you customize the text displayed on left side of the form
ComboBox Prompt
This option lets you customize the wording displayed to the customer.
Customize Online Booking Prompts
The Customize Prompt lets you customize the online booking to match the wording you prefer. This option uses the same wording for the label to the left of the combobox as well as the prompt in the combobox.
This option will only be displayed if you have the Employee, Location, or Equipment Availability selected and it used to customize the prompt for the selected resources combobox
Day Prompt
This option is used to customize the wording for the day that the customer can select.
Time Prompt
This option is used to customize the wording for the time that the customer can select.
Customize Visual Box
The Visual Box is the link and title that surrounds the entire online booking component.
Customize Product, Service, or Package Items
The Customize Product, service, or Package fields let you customize what fields are displayed on the form to the customer and the wording used.
Show Product, Service, or Package Description
If this option is selected then the selected product, service, or package description will be displayed in the form.
Show Product, Service, or Package Quantity
If this option is selected then the customer will be able to select the quantity of items they want to order.
Show Product, Service, or Package Price
If this option is selected then the customer will be shown the price of the item that is selected and let you customize the currency symbol
CloudForm Preview
The final tab is called Preview and it lets you preview what the online booking components will look like when added to the form.