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Overview of Reports for Products, Services and Packages


This tutorial does a breakdown of all of the reports related to your products, services, and packages.

Report on the Overall Products, Services, and Packages Sold 

The following report provides a breakdown of the overall products, services, and packages that were sold in a specific time frame. This report also provides an estimated cost of goods sold per product sold.

This report can be used to answer the following questions:

  • Which products are the most popular overall. 
  • How much estimated profit am I making for each product, service or package

Click here for the tutorial on how to view the overall products, services, and packages sold in a time frame.

Report on Products, Services, and Packages Sold Based On Calendar Type

The following report provides a breakdown of the products, services, and packages that were sold based on a specific calendar type or session. 

This report can be used to answer the following questions

  • Which products, services or packages do customers purchase based on the type of session.
  • Which products, services, or packages should I offer to customers based on the type of session. 
  • How many products, services, or packages do I sell based on the type of session.

Click here for the tutorial on how to view the products, services, and packages sold based on a calendar type.

Report on Products, Services, and Packages Sold Based On The Invoice System Tag

The following report provides a breakdown of the products, services, and packages that were sold based on the invoice tag.

This report can be used to answer the following questions

  • Which products, services or packages do customers purchase based on the the tag.
  • Which products, services, or packages should I offer to customers based on the tag. 
  • Do all of the products from a specific tag who purchased a specific product accounted for. very useful for school photographers tracking yearbook photos.
  • How are my sales of products, services, or packages for a specific tag in a specific time frame.

Click here for the tutorial on how to view the overall products, services, and packages sold based on a system tag