How to Require a Client to Pay for a Booked Session
This tutorial explains how to require a client to pay for a session or event. How To Require A Payment For CloudBookingHow Booking A Session or Event That Requires A Payment WorksWhen a session or event is booked in StudioCloud that requires a payment the following steps occur: - The client fills out the cloudform and selects the desired session. Then the client clicks the submit button.
- (Optional) A popup alert appears to inform the client that they have a limited amount of time to book the session.
- Here is the default text the client sees which can be customized.
- Payment is required before your appointment will be scheduled. If payment is not received in the next 30 minutes the appointment will become available for others to book. You will now be forwarded to a page where you can pay for the appointment.
- A tentative session is created on the calendar to reserve the time slot.
- The session name will start with "[Payment Due]" followed by the type of session and client name so that you know the session isn't paid for yet.
- When the session is paid for the "[Payment Due]" text will automatically be removed.
- (Optional) If the client fails to pay for the session or event in the time frame then the session will be deleted and an email will be sent to you to notify you that the session was deleted.
- If the option is enabled to have an invoice created for the session then the invoice and payment dues will also be automatically deleted.
- (Optional) An email is also sent to the customer to notify them that they will need to rebook the session.
How to Enable and Customize the Payment Required Popup PromptTo enable a payment required popup prompt as well as to customize it using the following steps - Create or edit a CloudForm
- Click on the Actions tab
- Click on the "Add Invoice, Payment, Online Booking" button.
- Click the "Enable Payment Prompt" checkbox
- Customize the wording under the "Customize Payment Prompt Below" header
How to Enable and Customize When a Session or Event is DeletedTo enable having a session automatically deleted if payment is not received as well as customizing how much time is allowed before it is deleted use the following steps - Create or edit a CloudForm
- Click on the Actions tab
- Click on the "Add Invoice, Payment, Online Booking" button.
- Click the "Automatically Delete Unpaid Sessions" checkbox
- Customize the time in minutes you want to give the customer before deleting the tentatively booked session
How to Enable and Select which Email Template is Sent to a Customer when the Session is DeletedTo enable having an email sent to a client when a session is deleted as well as selecting the desired email do the following steps: - Create or edit a CloudForm
- Click on the Actions tab
- Click on the "Add Invoice, Payment, Online Booking" button.
- Click the "Session Deleted Email To Client" checkbox
- Select the desired email template