Import Invoices from a CSV File*
OverviewThis tutorial will show you the steps to import orders or invoices from a CSV file. If an invoice is being imported that has a client attached to it that already exists in StudioCloud then StudioCloud will automatically attach the invoice to that client. How to Import Invoices into StudioCloudMake sure that the CSV file you are importing has column headers matching the headers in the section "What are the column headers required for the csv file" below. StudioCloud will match up the data in the CSV file using those column headers.
- Click on the Point of Sale component
- Click on the Invoices tab
- Click the Invoices/Estimates/Quotes button
- Click the Import menu button and select the Import Invoices Directly to Cloud option to open the Import Invoice window
- In the Import Invoice window click the Import Options menu button and select Import Invoices from CSV Files
- Find the file on your computer
- Click the Open button
- Once you see the invoice window make any necessary changes
- Click the Save button
Limitations- The sales tax is a percentage and not the actual value.of the sales tax
What are the column headers required for the csv fileNote: Column headers are required for each column or the data will not be imported correctly.The columns listed below are all optional, with the exception of Invoice Number and Invoice Date, and the columns can be in any order. However, they must be worded exactly as listed below. Please note that the column headers are case-sensitive. - Invoice #
- This is the number associated with the invoice. This column is required.
- Note: If the invoice number already exists for another invoice in StudioCloud the invoice will not be imported.
- The header "Invoice Number" is also supported
- Order Date
- This invoice date is in the format of (MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY) This column is required
- The header "Invoice Date" is also supported
- Public Notes
- These are notes that would appear on the printed invoice for the customer to see.
- The header "Notes" can also be used
- Internal Notes
- These are notes that would not appear on the printed invoice.
- The header "Private Notes" is also supported
- Search Type
- This is the criteria whereby StudioCloud will match clients that already exist in StudioCloud with the invoice. This column is just a number 1 through 4 and nothing more. Below is a breakdown of what each number means
- 1 = Search by Client Number.
- 2 = Search by Client First and Last Name
- 3 = Search by Client Email
- 4 = Do not search. Just create a brand new client with the client number, client first name, client last name, and client email address if they exist.
- Client Number
- This is the client number
- Customer Name
- This is the last name of the client followed by the first name with a comma separating them. For example, "Doe, John"
- Client First Name
- This is the first name of the client. The column "Customer Name" would not be used if this column is used.
- Client Last Name
- This is the first name of the client. The column "Customer Name" would not be used if this column is used.
- If this field is blank then the last name of "Unknown" will automatically be added to the client
- Client Email
- This is the email address for the client
- Invoice Taxable Amount
- This is the amount in the invoice that will be taxed
- The header "Taxable Amount" is also supported
- Invoice Non-Taxable Amount
- This is the amount in the invoice that will not be taxed
- The header "Non-Taxable Amount" is also supported
- Discount Type
- $ or %. This column will have either a $ character which means it is the dollar amount of the discount or a % character which means it is a percentage discount
- Discount
- This either the dollar amount or the percentage. For example, if discount type is $ then the discount amount would be something like 5 which means 5 dollars. If it is a % then the discount amount would be 5 which means 5%.
- Shipping
- This is the dollar value for the shipping cost. For example, if 5 was entered then the shipping would be $5.
- Tax
- This is the percentage value of the tax. For example, if 5 was entered then the tax would be 5%. The default is 0.
- The header "Tax Rate" is also supported
- Tax 2
- This is the secondary tax if applicable and it is a percentage. For example, if 5 was entered then the tax would be 5%. The default is 0.
- Payment Amount
- This is the dollar amount that has been paid on the invoice. Only one payment is supported for this import process
- Payment Date
- This payment date is in the format of (MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY)
- Payment Note
- This is a note attached to the payment
- Payment Method
- This is the method regarding how the payment was made. For example, Cash, Credit Card, Check, etc.
- Check Number
- This is the number of the check if the Payment Method of Check as entered above