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Importing Invoices Into StudioCloud

1 StudioCloud Data Import Assistance* Featured

Overview StudioCloud technicians will import your data into StudioCloud from other programs for a fee of $99 per hour. StudioCloud bills in 15 minute increments. This is not a service to help you setup your StudioCloud program. Please click here for assistance…

2 Import Invoices and Payments from PhotoOne*

Overview This tutorial will show you how to export your PhotoOne invoices and the payments for those invoices into StudioCloud. Please be sure to do both the invoices and payments export from PhotoOne before trying to import information into StudioCloud.…

3 Import Invoices and Payments from ShootQ*

Overview This tutorial will show you how to export your ShootQ invoices and payments and to import them into StudioCloud. Please be sure to import your clients first using the tutorial Import Client Information From ShootQ so that your clients can be matched…

4 Import Invoices from a CSV File*

Overview This tutorial will show you the step s to import orders or invoices from a CSV file. I f an invoice is being imported that has a client attached to it that already exists in StudioCloud then StudioCloud will automatically attach the invoice to that…

5 Importing Invoices From StudioPlus's Desktop Spectra Software*

Overview This tutorial will show you how to export your clients from StudioPlus to a CSV file and then import that file into StudioCloud. Limitations StudioPlus does not support exporting out the individual items in an invoice in a computer readable for format…