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How To Customize Where PDF Files Are Saved


Many of the StudioCloud reports, the invoices, and the estimates are PDF files that are generated and saved on your computer.  By default these files will be saved in your Documents folder in the StudioCloud Invoices folder.  However, if you would like them to be saved to a different location then you can use the instructions below to customize that location.

We have had reports that on some computers that have been upgraded to Windows 10 the Documents folder have been changed to Read Only and as a result files cannot be saved there. In addition, some users have been unable to successfully remove the Read Only attribute.  Using the instructions below will allow you to have the PDF files saved to a different location that is working.

How to Customize Where PDF Files Are Saved

Please note, this must be set on a per computer basis.

  1. Go to the Settings component
  2. Click on the button labeled Manage StudioCloud Settings
  3. Select the Local Settings tab
  4. Click the button labeled Browse for the field Saved PDF Location
  5. Find the folder you want to save the PDF files in and click the Select Folder button
  6. Click the Save button

How to Reset the Saved PDF Location to the Default Location

  1. Go to the Settings component
  2. Click on the button labeled Manage StudioCloud Settings
  3. Select the Local Settings tab
  4. Click the minus icon on the left side of the Saved PDF Location field
  5. Click the Save button