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Import Orders From ShootProof


This tutorial will show you how to export your orders out of ShootProof and import them into StudioCloud as invoices.

Details on how StudioCloud Imports ShootProof Order

This feature uses cloud syncing and, as such, a paid subscription is required.

This import process will try and match the order to an existing client based on client first and last name. If it doesn't find a client that has a matching first and last name or if it finds multiple clients with the same first and last name it will automatically create a new client.

The invoice number comes from the ShootProof "Order ID". If you are using StudioCloud's invoice numbers to archive image dvd's this can change how StudioCloud automatically generates the next invoice number.

Refer to this tutorial for details on how StudioCloud automatically assigns invoice numbers to new invoices.

The payment that is added to the new invoice is the ShootProof "Payment processing sale" minus the "Payment processing voids/refunds"

The following items are automatically added to the internal notes of the invoice. "Order ID", "Gallery", "Album", "Customer Name", "Lab product costs", "Lab add-on costs", "Lab shipping", "Payment Processing Sale","Payment Processing Voids/Refunds","ShootProof Payments Processing Fees", "Lab Cost Processing Fees".

The "Client Shipping" is added to the new invoice for the shipping amount.

The invoice sub-total is the "Total Sales".

StudioCloud automatically calculates the sales tax percentage rate by doing the following steps: "Client Sales Tax" / "Total Sales" * 100;

How to Export the Orders from ShootProof

Click here to view the ShootProof tutorial on how to export out the orders from ShootProof

  1. Go to Reports in ShootProof
  2. Click on Orders
  3. Select filters and click the "Download As CSV"

How to Import The ShootProof Orders Into StudioCloud

The first step is to open the Import Invoices Window. The following steps explain how to do that.

  1. Click on Point of Sale
  2. Click on Actions under the "invoices/estimates/quotes" menu button bar
  3. Click on Import
  4. Click the "Import invoices directly to Cloud" menu option

The next step is to import the order csv file

  1. Click on "Import Options" menu option
  2. Click on "Import Invoices From Third Party Program" menu option
  3. Click on "Import Invoices from ShootProof csv file" menu item
  4. Select the orders csv file
  5. Verify the information is correct in the columns and click the "Save" button