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Photography Business

1 Examples Of Client, Event, and Invoice Pipelines

Overview This tutorial provides examples of how to setup pipelines. The examples below use a photographer's workflow as an example. How to Create/Edit Pipelines Click here for a tutorial on how to create pipelines Examples of Client Pipelines For Photographers…

2 Examples of Saved Task Lists

Overview The tutorial will provide examples of how task templates can be used in the photography industry. Task templates are used to quickly recreate a task that is used over and over again. Please note that task templates are only used to track what needs…

3 How to Manage Multiple Businesses or Locations In One StudioCloud Account

Overview StudioCloud supports both managing multiple unique businesses or multiple business locations, such as a franchise or chain, from one StudioCloud account. This tutorial explains how to setup StudioCloud to do that. When should you not run multiple…

4 How to Print the Invoice with Different Logos

Overview StudioCloud supports printing an invoice with up to 3 different logos. Setup Logos For PDF Invoice Click here for a tutorial on how to setup your Logos in StudioCloud How to Print An Invoice With A Custom Logo By default when printing a logo it will…

5 Initial Setup for a Portrait Photographer

Overview This step by step guide provides instructions on how to step StudioCloud for a portrait photographer. Setup Clients Import Clients StudioCloud supports importing clients, prospective clients, and leads from a csv file or various third party software…

6 Initial Setup For A Wedding Photography Business

Overview This step by step guide provides instructions on how to step StudioCloud for a wedding photographer. Layout The instructions work from the top of the StudioCloud program from left to right. Required Setup Items that are underlined are recommend steps…

7 Lead Tracking For Portrait Photographers

Overview This step by step guide provides instructions on how to track and convert potential customers to paying customers Lead Tracking Overview What is a Client? Clients are customers who are or will be paying. For a portrait photographer a client could…

8 Relationship Setup Examples

Overview This tutorial provides examples for photographers of how to setup relationships to track their clients Examples Photographers have a very relationship based business and StudioCloud is designed to help photographers manage those relationships. One…

9 Suggestions For Tracking Photos Using StudioCloud

Overview This tutorial discusses the many ways in which photographers can track their images in StudioCloud How Images Are Stored There is no standard way for photographers to store images although most photographers usually use a combination of temporary…

10 Tracking Brides and Grooms in StudioCloud

Overview Wedding photographers need to track both the bride and groom as well as numerous other relationships that are at a wedding. This tutorial shows you how to enter a bride and groom into StudioCloud. Before the steps below can be done you will first…