Rss Categories

Overview of Account Details


This tutorial introduces you to the functionality available in the account details section of StudioCloud.

Explanation of Account Main Table

The main table contains a list of ledger entries from the selected account and in the selected time frame. The account details table shows the date, payeepayment method, meta-category column, category column, and ledger entry amount. If a row displays a star that indicated that the ledger entry has been marked completed.

Explanation of Account Menu Items

  • Group Operations
    • Select All - Selects all the ledger entries in the main account details list, indicated with a check-mark in the box at the beginning of the row.
    • Deselect All - Deselects all the ledger entries in the main account details list, indicated by the empty check-box at the beginning of the row.
    • Mark Ledger Entries Completed - Marks the selected ledger entries as completed.
    • Mark Ledger Entries Uncompleted - Marks the selected ledger entries as uncompleted.
    • Delete Selected Ledger Entries - Deletes all the ledger entries that are selected in the main account details list.
  • Account
    • List of accounts - Lets you switch between different accounts