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Account Details

1 How to Add a Payee/Payer to an Income/Expense Entry

Overview You can track where money is going and who it is coming from by always entering a payee or payer in Bookkeeping. This tutorial will explain how to include a payee or payer in an income or expense ledger entry. This article assumes you have already…

2 How to Add/Edit Income/Expenses

Overview You can keep track of basic accounting information in StudioCloud by entering income and expense ledger entries in the Bookkeeping component. All payments that are made in StudioCloud are automatically entered as an income ledger entry. However,…

3 How to Clear Bookeeping Entries

Overview Sometimes businesses will test out StudioCloud and enter in test information in the Point of Sale or the Bookkeeping component. This tutorial explains how to clear out your bookkeeping entries. How to Clear Bookkeeping Entries Open and login to StudioCloud…

4 How to Create/Edit Bookkeeping Accounts

Overview To keep track of your income and expenses, you will need to add bookkeeping accounts. An account is where you enter in income or expense ledger entries. How to Create/Edit a Bookkeeping Account Click on the Bookkeeping component Click on the Accounts…

5 How to Find Unassigned Income and Expense

Overview If you do not assign a category to income or expense then it can be difficult to go back and later update those entries. This support article gives instructions on how to find those entries that do not have categories assigned. How to Find Unassigned…

6 How to Reconcile your Accounts and Mark Ledger Entries as Completed

Overview This article explains how to reconcile your accounts in StudioCloud with supporting documents from your bank. This ensures that all income and expense ledger entries have been properly accounted for. How to Open The Reconcile Transactions Window…

7 How to Split Income and Expense Entries

Overview Sometimes businesses need to split an income or expense entry so that they can assign parts of the entry to different categories. This is commonly done when tracking either credit card processing fees or taxes. How to Split Income and Expense Entries…

8 How to Transfer Money Between Accounts

Overview Sometimes there is a transfer from one account to another that is not income or expense for either account. Use the transfer option to record these transactions. How to Transfer Money Between Accounts Click on the Bookkeeping component Click on the…

9 Overview of Account Details

Overview This tutorial introduces you to the functionality available in the account details section of StudioCloud. Explanation of Account Main Table The main table contains a list of ledger entries from the selected account and in the selected time frame.…