Rss Categories

How to Find Unassigned Income and Expense


If you do not assign a category to income or expense then it can be difficult to go back and later update those entries.  This support article gives instructions on how to find those entries that do not have categories assigned.

How to Find Unassigned Income and Expense

  1. Run the Breakdown of Income, Expenses, and Profit Report.  Instructions on how to do that are available here: How to Analyze Expenses and Income in StudioCloud
  2. Export the data to CSV by clicking the Export Options button and selecting the Export to CSV option
  3. Open the file that you export in Excel or another spreadsheet program
  4. Sort the data by Category Account
    1. Those entries that have a blank in the Category Account  or Category columns are Unassigned Income/Expense
  5. Using the information in this report you are able to find the income/expense entries and update them in StudioCloud