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How to Add/Edit Income/Expenses


You can keep track of basic accounting information in StudioCloud by entering income and expense ledger entries in the Bookkeeping component.  All payments that are made in StudioCloud are automatically entered as an income ledger entry.  However, if you delete the payment from an invoice or change the payment it does not affect the ledger entry in the Bookkeeping component.  Similarly if you edit or delete the Bookkeeping ledger entry it will not affect the payment on the invoice. 

How to Create a New Bookkeeping Income or Expense Entry

  1. Click on the Bookkeeping component
  2. Click on the Accounts tab
  3. Click the Account Details button
  4. Click on either the New Income or New Expense button
  5. Enter in the specific expense details including expense date, payment type, amount, category, account, payee, tag, and any notes.  Other support articles that might be helpful are linked below
    1. How to Create/Edit Payment Types
    2. How to Create/Edit Categories and Category Accounts
    3. How to Create/Edit Payer or Payee Information in Bookkeeping
    4. How to Create/Edit Tags
  6. Click the Save button

How to Create a New Bookkeeping Expense Entry From An Invoice

  1. Edit an existing Invoice
  2. Click on the Bookkeeping tab
  3. Click on either the New Expense button

How to Edit a Bookkeeping Income or Expense Entry

  1. Click on the Bookkeeping component
  2. Click on the Accounts tab
  3. Click the Account Details button
  4. Select the desired Bookkeeping Account by clicking on the Account Combo box
  5. Find and edit the desired bookkeeping income or expense entry

How to Enter a New Bookkeeping Income or Expense Entry

  1. Create a new income or expense ledger entry by clicking the New Income or New Expense button or find and edit an existing ledger entry
    1. To find an existing ledger entry select the account from the Account drop-down box and adjust the time frame appropriately
    2. If no account is specified when a ledger entry is created then it is available in the Unspecified account
  2. Select the date of the ledger entry which many times will be the date you are entering the ledger entry; however, you can change the date to fit your needs
  3. Select the payment type (Cash, Check, or Credit Card)
    1. If you select Check you will be able to specify a check number
    2. If you select Credit Card you will be able to select the type of credit card
  4. Enter the amount for the ledger entry
  5. Select the Income or Expense Category
    1. Please see How to Create/Edit Income and Expense Categories for additional details
  6. Select the account that this income or expense will affect
    1. If you have already selected an account in the list of ledger entries then this drop-down box will be automatically selected
  7. Select a payee or payer for this ledger entry
    1. Please see How to Create/Edit Payee or Payer Information in Bookkeeping for additional details
  8. Enter any notes for the ledger entry
  9. Click the Save button