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How to Add a Payee/Payer to an Income/Expense Entry


You can track where money is going and who it is coming from by always entering a payee or payer in Bookkeeping.  This tutorial will explain how to include a payee or payer in an income or expense ledger entry.

This article assumes you have already learned How to Create/Edit Payer or Payee Information in Bookkeeping

How to Add a Payee/Payer to an Income/Expense Entry

  1. Open and login to StudioCloud
  2. Go to the Bookkeeping component
  3. Click on the Accounts tab
  4. Click the Account Details button
  5. Click the New Income or New Expense button or find an income or expense to edit
  6. Click the arrow for the Payee drop-down box
  7. Find and select the payee or payer
  8. Fill out any other information for the ledger entry
  9. Click the Save button