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Managing Inventory for Products and Services


StudioCloud has an inventory tracking functionality that allows your business to track the inventory of a product or service.  Inventory is manually added to your system and automatically taken out of the system when a product or service is purchased.  

To get started you will need to enable Inventory Tracking for one or more of your products or services.  

How to Enable Inventory Tracking for a Product or Service

Click here for instructions on how to enable Inventory Tracking for Products and Services

How to Access Inventory Management for a Product or Service

To access the inventory management section of StudioCloud do the following steps:

  1. Click on the Point of Sale component
  2. Click the Settings tab
  3. Click the Manage Inventory button

How to Add Inventory for a Product/Service

  1. Access the inventory management using the instructions above
  2. Find the product or service you want to add inventory to and click the Change Inventory button
  3. Select the Add Inventory To Current Inventory option
  4. Set the amount of inventory you want to add in the Stock field
  5. Add any notes for this entry
  6. Click the Save button

How to Remove Inventory for a Product/Service

  1. Access the inventory management using the instructions above
  2. Find the product or service you want to add inventory to and click the Change Inventory button
  3. Select the Remove Inventory From Current Inventory option
  4. Set the amount of inventory you want to remove in the Stock field
  5. Add any notes for this entry
  6. Click the Save button

How to Replace Inventory for a Product/Service

  1. Access the inventory management using the instructions above
  2. Find the product or service you want to add inventory to and click the Change Inventory button
  3. Select the Replace Current Inventory With New Inventory option
  4. Set the total amount of inventory for this product/service that you now have
    1. Please note, the amount you set in this field will literally replace the current stock you have.  So if you have 30 items in stock right now and you replace it with 10 then the new amount of inventory will be 10.
  5. Add any notes for this entry
  6. Click the Save button

How to View the Inventory History for a Specific Product/Service

  1. Access the inventory management using the instructions above
  2. Find the product or service you want to view the history for and click the View Inventory History button
  3. Adjust the time frame for whatever time frame you want to view
  4. This table provides details on each transaction related to this product and includes the following details
    1. Date - The date of the transaction
    2. Invoice Number - If the inventory is subtracted because it was purchased in an invoice then the invoice number is included here.  If it was not associated with an
    3. Product Name - The name of the product for that particular entry
    4. Quantity - The new total inventory for this product after the transaction.  For example, if the inventory was 30 and you add 10 units on the 13th of the month then the quantity for the entry on the 13th will say 40.
    5. Change - The amount of inventory change for this particular transaction
    6. Notes - Any notes included for this transaction

How to View the Inventory History for all Products/Services

  1. Click the Point of Sale component
  2. Click the Reports tab
  3. Click the Inventory History Table button
  4. Adjust the time frame for whatever time frame you want to view
  5. This table provides details on each transaction
    1. Date - The date of the transaction
    2. Invoice Number - If the inventory is subtracted because it was purchased in an invoice then the invoice number is included here.  If it was not associated with an
    3. Product Name - The name of the product for that particular entry
    4. Quantity - The new total inventory for this product after the transaction.  For example, if the inventory was 30 and you add 10 units on the 13th of the month then the quantity for the entry on the 13th will say 40.
    5. Change - The amount of inventory change for this particular transaction
    6. Notes - Any notes included for this transaction