Rss Categories

How to Import Gift Cards From CSV File


This tutorial explains how to import gift cards from a csv file into StudioCloud.

How to Import the Gift Card CSV Into StudioCloud

  1. Go to the Point of Sale component
  2. Click the Settings tab
  3. Click the Manage Gift Cards button
  4. Click the Import From CSV menu option
  5. Click the Import Gift Cards From CSV menu item

How the CSV File Must Be Formatted To Import Into StudioCloud

The csv file must have the following columns in the exact order listed below although the only data that is required is the gift card current balance. All of the other columns may be blank.

  1. Gift Card Number
    1. The number in this field must be a number and the number must be unique for the gift cards. If it is not StudioCloud will automatically generate a unique number during import. If the field is blank then StudioCloud will automatically generate a unique gift card number during import.
  2. Gift Card Name
    1. This field is used to identify the gift card.
  3. Gift Card First Name or Gift Card Full Name
    1. This column is the clients first name. If the Gift card last name column is blank then it is assumed that the clients name is either separated by a space in the format "John Doe" or is separated by a comma in the format "Doe, John". StudioCloud will automatically separate them and put them in the column
  4. Gift Card Last Name
    1. This column is the clients last name.
  5. Gift Card Starting Balance
    1. This column is for the gift card starting balance. If this column is blank or less then the current balance then the current balance will automatically be populated in this field.
  6. Gift Card Current Balance
    1. This column is for the gift card current balance.
    2. This field is required.