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PartnerBoost - Cloud Services For Two Users

1 StudioCloud One on One Assistance Featured

Overview A StudioCloud rep will schedule a phone call and a screen share where they will be able to view your screen and work with you directly to answer any questions you have. This service is recorded so that you can review it at a later time. You can use…

2 How to Create or Edit Login Users for PartnerBoost Accounts

Overview The PartnerBoost subscription gives a business access to two usernames instead of just one. This means that two users can be logged into to StudioCloud at the same time. The instructions below help you add the second user. How to Create or Edit a…

3 How to Create, Edit or Use Calendar Filters*

Availability Subscription: EmployeeBoost Overview Calendar filters let you view the calendar in multiple ways similar to having multiple calendars. This tutorial explains how to create, edit, use and export the calendar filter view to a third party calendar.…

4 How To Use StudioCloud on Multiple Computers

Overview With StudioCloud can install StudioCloud on as many computers as you need to. When you login on each computer your data will sync from the StudioCloud server to that computer. This article explains how to install StudioCloud on additional computers.…