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Common Login Issues


This tutorial will provide you with information to resolve the most common log in issues when trying to login to StudioCloud. 

Forgot Business ID, Username or Password

Refer to this document for steps on how to retrieve your account information. Forgot Business ID, Username or Password

Business ID and Username do not Match

If you receive the error message that says, "You were not able to login  successfully. Note: Your Business ID would be the same as your username unless you purchased the EmployeeBoost and created additional users," you may be using the wrong StudioCloud Business ID and Username. Your StudioCloud Business ID and Username will be the same unless you manually changed it. To manually change it you have to have had access to the EmployeeBoost add-on.

You receive an error message saying "Local Database failure"

Refer to this document for steps on addressing this issue. Local Database Failure

Network Failure Occurred While Logging In or long Spinning Log-in Circles

Refer to this document for steps on addressing this issue. Network Failure Occurred While Logging In

StudioCloud Freezes on Loading Local Info

When StudioCloud logs in the very first time it syncs basic information from StudioCloud's servers to the desktop software. If you get this message it means that StudioCloud has not completed the first sync and that StudioCloud that can not detect an internet connection. To resolve this issue please refer to this tutorial.

"Your studio data has not been completely cached and StudioCloud is unable to detect an internet connection. Please verify that you have an internet connection and if you do have an internet connection click the Login button again."

When StudioCloud logs in the very first time it syncs basic information from StudioCloud's servers to the desktop software. If you get this message it means that StudioCloud has not completed the first sync and that StudioCloud that can not detect an internet connection. To resolve this issue please refer to this tutorial.