How to Export the StudioCloud Calendar to ICS*
If you have a StudioCloud paid for subscription you can view your calendar in other programs or on Internet-enabled mobile devices by exporting the calendar as an ICS feed. Video TutorialHow to Enable the Entire StudioCloud Calendar ICS Feed And Export The Entire Calendar
Security note: If you disable this ICS feed it will disable it for everyone that is using it and not just a specific employee. As such StudioCloud recommends that you use each employees calendar ICS feed so that you can disable just that ICS feed if you need to disable their calendar. - Click on the Calendar Component
- Click on the Settings tab
- Click the Export Calendar To Third Party Programs button
- Click the checkbox labeled Export calendar to Outlook, iCal, iPhone, etc
- Copy the URL from the box below the checkbox or click the Email ICS Link to get the URL you need to paste into other programs