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How to Export the StudioCloud Calendar to ICS*


If you have a StudioCloud paid for subscription you can view your calendar in other programs or on Internet-enabled mobile devices by exporting the calendar as an ICS feed.

Video Tutorial

How to Enable the Entire StudioCloud Calendar ICS Feed And Export The Entire Calendar

Security note: If you disable this ICS feed it will disable it for everyone that is using it and not just a specific employee. As such StudioCloud recommends that you use each employees calendar ICS feed so that you can disable just that ICS feed if you need to disable their calendar.

  1. Click on the Calendar Component
  2. Click on the Settings tab
  3. Click the Export Calendar To Third Party Programs button
  4. Click the checkbox labeled Export calendar to Outlook, iCal, iPhone, etc
  5. Copy the URL from the box below the checkbox or click the Email ICS Link to get the URL you need to paste into other programs