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Paid Services

1 StudioCloud Data Import Assistance* Featured

Overview StudioCloud technicians will import your data into StudioCloud from other programs for a fee of $99 per hour. StudioCloud bills in 15 minute increments. This is not a service to help you setup your StudioCloud program. Please click here for assistance…

2 StudioCloud One on One Assistance Featured

Overview A StudioCloud rep will schedule a phone call and a screen share where they will be able to view your screen and work with you directly to answer any questions you have. This service is recorded so that you can review it at a later time. You can use…

3 Copy Data From One Account To Another

Overview This service is for StudioCloud to copy the information listed below from one StudioCloud account to a different StudioCloud account. Billing Rate This service costs a one time fee of $150 per StudioCloud account. If more than one StudioCloud account…

4 GDPR Overview

Overview If you are located in the European Union or work with clients that are located in the European Union then the GDPR applies to you. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of new rules for handling client information. How can your client's…