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Getting Started With StudioCloud For Photographers

1 Setting Up Workflow For A Portrait Photographer Featured

Overview This tutorial provides a breakdown of the workflow for a portrait photography studio. Basic Workflow Concepts StudioCloud’s workflow is divided into 3 sections. Those categories are lead tracking, session tracking, and order tracking. You can conceptually…

2 Setting Up Workflow For a Wedding Photographer Featured

Overview StudioCloud’s workflow is designed to handle all different sizes of businesses and workflow needs. This specific tutorial provides a breakdown of the workflow for a single wedding photographer. “Use what works for you” All wedding photographers…

3 Examples Of Client, Event, and Invoice Pipelines

Overview This tutorial provides examples of how to setup pipelines. The examples below use a photographer's workflow as an example. How to Create/Edit Pipelines Click here for a tutorial on how to create pipelines Examples of Client Pipelines For Photographers…

4 How to Use the Workflow Manager*

Overview This tutorial explains how to use the Workflow Manager to Setup your entire workflow from one central location. Workflow Manager Video Workflow Manager Overview The Workflow Manager helps you to setup your workflow from one central location in StudioCloud.…

5 Initial Setup for a Portrait Photographer

Overview This step by step guide provides instructions on how to step StudioCloud for a portrait photographer. Setup Clients Import Clients StudioCloud supports importing clients, prospective clients, and leads from a csv file or various third party software…

6 Initial Setup For A Wedding Photography Business

Overview This step by step guide provides instructions on how to step StudioCloud for a wedding photographer. Layout The instructions work from the top of the StudioCloud program from left to right. Required Setup Items that are underlined are recommend steps…

7 Lead Tracking For Portrait Photographers

Overview This step by step guide provides instructions on how to track and convert potential customers to paying customers Lead Tracking Overview What is a Client? Clients are customers who are or will be paying. For a portrait photographer a client could…

8 Order Tracking for Portrait Photographers

Overview This step by step guide provides instructions on how to track customer a customers overall order as well as the individual items in their order Table of Contents Order Tracking Overview What is an example invoice tracking pipeline? How do I view…

9 Relationship Setup Examples

Overview This tutorial provides examples for photographers of how to setup relationships to track their clients Examples Photographers have a very relationship based business and StudioCloud is designed to help photographers manage those relationships. One…

10 Session Tracking For Portrait Photographers

Overview This tutorial provides a breakdown of how to track what needs to be done before or after a session or event Personalized and Automated Email and Text Messages If any of the following workflow items need to be done for a client then CloudAlert Email…

11 Setting Up Calendar Types For Photographers

Overview This tutorial provides a breakdown of calendar types and suggestions on how a portrait and wedding photography studio could setup their StudioCloud account. Basic Calendar Type Concepts Calendar types are the brains behind the calendar. Using calendar…

12 Setting Up Newborn Tracking For A Newborn Photographer

Overview This tutorial provides step by step instructions on how to track when a newborn needs their next photo shoot. How to Setup New Born Tracking Using The Calendar Type Wizard Here are the steps to set up the newborn tracking using the calendar type…

13 Setting up Tags For School Photographers

Overview This tutorial provides instructions on how school photographers can utilize StudioCloud to track students. What Are Tags? StudioCloud uses tags to group clients together. A client can have unlimited tags. And reports can be generated for clients…

14 Setup Tips for School Photographers

Overview This tutorial provides tips to help school photographers get the most out of StudioCloud Pro-Tip: Use Tags To Track Students Create a tag for each school, school event, and/or school sports team and append the year to it. For example, if the school…

15 Suggestions For Tracking Photos Using StudioCloud

Overview This tutorial discusses the many ways in which photographers can track their images in StudioCloud How Images Are Stored There is no standard way for photographers to store images although most photographers usually use a combination of temporary…

16 Wedding Contract Workflow

Overview This tutorial steps through various wedding contract workflow examples Wedding Contract That Doesn't Require A Deposit Note: Once a contract is signed an email will automatically be sent to the client with a copy of the contract in it. All contracts…